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be situated Meaning in Bengali

 অবস্থিত হত্তয়া, অধিষ্ঠিত হত্তয়া, অধিষ্ঠান করা,

be situated's Usage Examples:

and the connective tissues that provide a suitable place for it to be situated and anchored.

Ottoman Empire in the 15th century or to the forty churches reported to be situated in the region before the Ottoman conquest, as attested by the former.

It is considered to be situated in the second crown of the Barcelona metropolitan area.

It would be situated on the central section of the proposed East West Rail Oxford–Cambridge.

The station will be situated opposite the River Ray which flows through and within Mouldon Hill Country.

This is rare for a spiral galaxy to be situated at the heart of a cluster.

If constructed, it will be situated on the West London Line, between Shepherd's Bush and Willesden Junction.

Longwell Green takes its name from the medieval well which used to be situated on the site of the Church.

to the Vaastu Shastra, it is auspicious in for homes and offices to be situated in the northeast.

depot for the currently under construction High Speed 2 railway will be situated here.

On some ships, the engine room on some ships may be situated mid-ship, such as on vessels built from 1900 to the 1960s, or forward.

named "Valdecolmenas de Abajo" (Lower Valdecolmenas) found itself to be situated at a higher elevation than the town named "Valdecolmenas de Arriba,".

The reopened station will be situated to the east of the original station and will have two platforms.

The station would be situated on the West Kirby branch of the Wirral Line.

If constructed, it will be situated on the North London Line, between North Acton and Willesden Junction.

It will be situated in the Tuodong Lu Central Business District.

The idea for a library to be situated in the center of the city came from Albert Sassoon, son of the famous.

Vaikuntha, the abode of Lakshmi Narayan is said to be situated 5 crore yojanas away in the south of Goloka.

It will be situated south of Bloor Street, approximately 200 metres (660 ft) west of Lansdowne.

community of Norval, Winston Churchill Boulevard deviates westward to be situated entirely within Halton Region and is known as Adamson Street.


placed; settled; located; set;


unsettled; disarranged; uninhabited; stormy; deglycerolize;

be situated's Meaning in Other Sites