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be sitting Meaning in Bengali

 বসিয়া থাকা,

be sitting's Usage Examples:

They may be sitting on a small platform called a howdah, or riding on a saddle or bareback.

boots allow for improved circulation to crew-members' feet, as they may be sitting or immobile for long periods of time.

For example, a fly might appear to be sitting on the painting's frame, or a curtain might appear to partly conceal the.

Most of your molars must be sitting up and begging for Kolynos if that's your normal effort.

The Chief Justice of India or his nominee, who shall be sitting Judge of the Supreme Court, shall be the visitor of the University.

for a horse to be around people, and it's not natural for a person to be sitting on him either.

lens or curved mirror (such as an illuminated reticle) will appear to be sitting in front of the viewer at infinity.

Tanking: This is waterproofing used where the below-ground structure will be sitting in the water table continuously or periodically.

2500 BC appears to be sitting in Mulabandhasana, and hence identified as a prototype of the god Śiva.

At the airport, they might be sitting at a distance, so Airport Network makes sure that their font is larger.

days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

It depicts a young bride-to-be sitting alone in the Old German Meeting House in Waldoboro, Maine.

Washington Senator Slade Gorton disclosed it in announcing that he would be sitting at the candy desk.

one time, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses may be sitting.

The man, later identified as Ashley Gill-Webb, happened to be sitting next to Dutch judoka and bronze medalist Edith Bosch, who promptly struck.

We could have been forgotten and ignored, and we'd not be sitting here today.

The observer will also be sitting on a set of points that fall along a large circle.

heavy rain, and that this hindered the French advance, allowing them to be sitting targets for the flanking English and Welsh archers.

On July 10, 2020, Kopech announced he would be sitting out the 2020 season due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


move; motility; motion; posing; movement;


stay in place; precede; descend; go; advance;

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