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be shy Meaning in Bengali

 এড়ানো, পরিহার করা, বেঁচে যাত্তয়া,

be shy শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

৪. বেশিক্ষণ একাকি থাকা পরিহার করা

তালের জটিল বাদ্যও পরিহার করা হয় ।

be shy's Usage Examples:

whereas their Japanese name comes from the verb 'tereru' (照れる), meaning 'to be shy'.

"Are you an engineer? Then don't be shy about it | Are you an engineer? Then don't be shy about it | Corrinne Burns".

Romania, declared to the BBC: "I do not understand why the Romanians should be shy of marking what was fundamental for their history, because we don't want.


start; jump; startle;


certain; unsure; uncertain; diffident;

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